Authentic Website Copy

How to Make Your Website Copy Feel Authentic 

November 14, 2023


I'm ciAra
Put a short description here that explains the purpose of your blog and welcomes your readers. You could also link this to your About Page if you want to send people there.
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My clients often ask me: 

“How can I make my website copy feel less cringe?”

“Is there any way to write about myself and not end up hating the copy?”

Yes. When I started writing my website, I was terrified because so many other (amazing) copywriters told me that it had to be “packed with personality” and the idea of selling my personality felt weird to me – I just wanted to sell my ideas.

The truth is, even if you do want your website copy to be full of personality, which is great, it will still ultimately be about your potential clients.

Think about it – your website copy’s job is to convince them they need your services, right? The thing that’s going to sell them may be your personality, but it will likely primarily be something more like the promised results, your unique methodology, and other selling points.

This is great news if you’re an introvert like me because making your copy feel authentic doesn’t mean putting your entire personality out on a silver platter, it just means relating to your potential clients and showcasing your passion for your services in the process.

So, how can we sell our services in a way that feels authentic to us?

Step #1 – Relate it to your mission statement & core values 

Your mission statement & core values are the foundational pieces of your brand and should guide the way you do things. They may guide your methodology and the way you work with 1-on-1 clients. Because of this, your website copy should frequently tie back to them. Let’s take Patagonia’s mission statement, for example: 

“Build the best product, cause no unnecessary harm, use business to inspire and implement solutions to the environmental crisis.”

Their website copy should continually tie back to this mission statement and its core values, such as sustainability and using business as a tool for good. You can tie your mission statement & core values into your website copy by mentioning why you do what you do, the results you get for clients, and what you feel your greater purpose is in providing the services that you do. Trust me – your potential clients will connect with this and it will not only feel authentic, but it will be authentic. 

Step #2 – Connect it to your “why”

Building off of Step #1, continually connect your website copy back to your “why.” Ask yourself these questions and feel free to answer them in creative ways throughout your copy:

  • Why did you start your business?
  • What gap in the market did you identify that your services close?
  • Why did you choose to help your current target audience? 
  • Why do you think you’re the best person to provide the services you do (prove you’re qualified)?
  • Why do you think potential clients deserve to feel the transformation from your services? 

Step #3 – Don’t be afraid to turn your industry on its back

Be unconventional! If there’s a tradition or stereotype in your industry, let your target audience know why you don’t follow that tradition or why you do things differently (AKA your unique selling point). If you aren’t unconventional, that’s totally fine – this step isn’t for everyone. Not all cutting-edge businesses go against their industry, some simply make it better. If that’s you, mention your competitive edge & why you think it was needed in your industry. 

Step #4 – Make your website copy sound like you 

Type the way you talk! Of course, your website isn’t going to sound just like you casually talking, but in some areas of your copy, like your About page, it’s okay to make it sound just like you. Chances are, not only will this feel more authentic to you, but your prospects will connect with you on a deeper level – the copy will build trust and break that professional barrier that isn’t always needed. 

Step #5 – Say what you’re dying to say

Sometimes I want to tell my clients that yes, of course I care about packing their copy with personality and using storytelling as a way to hook their readers, but my main goal is to make them money. I’m often afraid to say this because it may come off as distant or brush over the fact that writing is actually one of my greatest passions in life, but I really do want my clients to know that their conversions after they launch their site with the copy I wrote is my #1 priority.

I look at hard facts, results, and numbers to make sure that my clients see a significant spike in conversions after their launch. I don’t care to put fluff in their copy, or mine, for that matter, to make a site look pretty or brush over things. I care if it converts because that means that readers are connecting with the copy. If that means adding personality and storytelling, even better! But I am a data-driven copywriter and I’m not afraid to say it. 

My point is – if you’re writing your website copy and thinking, I wish I could just say this… say it! Chances are, your transparency will come off as authentic, because it is, and readers will trust you on a deeper level. It’ll also probably feel like a big weight off of your shoulders to finally get that out into the world.

By adding fluff, jargon, and what you THINK is supposed to be in your copy instead of what you actually want to say, you are doing your readers a disservice by not letting them get the full experience of your authenticity. If you’re transparent and honest and readers don’t connect with it, chances are, they weren’t a part of your target audience anyway, and that’s okay, because you weren’t writing it for them. 

Still need help making your website copy feel true to you?

Here are some ways I can help you do exactly that: 

Get a free website audit from me
Schedule a strategy session
Book a website audit
Snag my Client Magnet Website Package

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Trust fund gluten-free scenester PBR&B hot chicken. Poke try-hard vegan pop-up. Banh mi meggings before they sold out.

Website Audit

Looking for a DIY option? You’ve come to the right place. 

With a website audit, you’ll get:

  • A comprehensive review of up to 5 pages of website copy 

  • A live review call or Loom video explaining my recommended changes 

  • A document full of your next action steps

For a limited time - I’m offering free mini website audits - get yours today!

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